Wednesday, September 12, 2007

What's Going On?

The kids like their school.

Liam likes riding the bus, which picks him up in front of our house. Yesterday, the bus was here about 8:15; today it was here at 8:00. I took Kaylie to school, but it is still a mad house. I couldn't find a parking spot anywhere! I circle around 2 times and nothing - nada - zilch...not an empty spot anywhere. So I had to get out of the school grounds and go into the Eastampton development and park on one the of courts across from the school. We walked to the first grade entrance, signed in and then dropped her off at her classroom.

Today, the routine seems to be streamlined. Because Liam's school bus was on time, I was able to walk (YES, I DID SAY WALK) Kaylie to school. She was so excited to be walking to school. It was a really nice walk...the morning breeze was a bit chilly and we walked leisurely to school. Once we got there, I didn't have to sign her in. She walked to her classroom all by herself. The teacher was at the entrance waiting to greet all the incoming students. There are many people stationed along the hallway that will be able to help her to her room, if she forgets the room number.

Getting her lunch seems to be a bit hard for her. They have a barometric system where they use fingerprints to identify the child thus avoiding the need for them to handle money. The money is deposited into an account and lunch money deducted automatically triggered by the fingerprint recognition program. The kids are supposed to line up, scan their print and pick up their lunch, but Kaylie has not been doing this. Instead, she has been eating the snack that I send her as her lunch. When they get home, they are starving! Well not wonder...if the only thing they drank was a juice and some crackers that I sent in to hold them over until lunch time. I found out that she wasn't eating her lunch because I have a schedule that tells me what foods are being served each day. I asked her right in front of her teacher, so the teacher is now aware that Kaylie has not been getting her lunch and will ask someone to show her the ropes for getting her lunch. I will see how it goes today.

She has been really excited because her class has a prize box. The first day, she got a set of playing cards. Yesterday, she got a teeny tiny notebook.

Now on to Liam...on the first day of class he got in trouble because he kept messing around/touching the AC thermostat. Yesterday, he got in trouble because he was not listening to his teacher...remember I told you he has SELECTIVE HEARING. Anyway, I have warned him that each day that he does not behave, he won't be able to watch his favorite cartoon, Spongebob. Not sure that this will be a deterrent, but at least it is worth a try.

Got to go. Talk to you later.

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