Friday, March 21, 2008

How Many Grains Have You Donated Today?

I saw this post at Jessica Sprague's blog and was intrigued. I followed her link to FREERICE.COM. For each word that one gets right, they donate 20 grains of rice to the UN to help end world hunger.

If you are a wordsmith, then this will be easy. Do you know what omphaloskepsis means? Well, I don't. As it turns out, it means navel-contemplation. Why would I know that? I would have to be like "George Costanza" from Seinfeld to be able to work that into a conversation. If I mentioned that word to anyone, they would think I am crazy. LOL

Anyway, give it a is for a good cause.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that link, Kait. I will bookmark it.
