Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Guess Who Are Home Sick Again?

Yes, both of them are home sick, again.
Liam is an allergy sufferer so his nose is always congested. Kaylie, while not an allergy sufferer, has a slightly different kind of problem...she is like a mucous factory. Enough said.

Anyway, Kaylie woke up this morning with red cheeks and was extremely hot. Her temperature was 102. She cried her little eyes out when I told her she wasn't going to school.

Liam, on the other hand, was sneezing and had a runny nose....there it goes, grab it! Runny (running) nose...yeah, I know, lame joke. Anyway, I sent him to school and get a call back an hour and a half later that 'he isn't doing well, pls. come pick him up.'

Off I go to pick him up. Wouldn't you know, when they get home, they are better, or so it seems. Anyway, here are today's freebies:

Andrea has a cute template...
Bren has a Santa hat...adorable!
Carol Abram has a doodled frame at the Shutterfly blog
Christine has some krafty stars ...check out her store specials, too.
Emily has a super cute mini kit at Little Dreamer Designs
Fran has a super duper cute ppr. pk title Coulerus D'Irelande
Lindsay has a 2photo template...
Mindy has a Worn Away mini kit...
Monika has some sparkly elements...check them out.
Pam has a Santa mini kit...
SweetMade has some overlays...
Valgal has some wordart...

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